Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bragging Rights

I swear this is not a workout journal.
It's just that I am really proud of myself. For the second time ever I completed the crossfit workout as stated. And as boring as it may sound to you... it makes me pretty happy.

So today's workout was
1 mile run
21 pull ups
21 thrusters*
800 meter run
15 pull ups
15 thrusters
400 meter run
9 pull ups
9 thrusters

*If you don't know what a thruster is -

I realize that posting this probably makes me sound like a fanatic. It also probably frustrates the hell out of my poor triathlon training partner Rachael, seeing as she has worked out with me numerous times and every time I complain and whine. Don't worry Rachael, I whine and complain during crossfit too. However, I bragged about my first 26 mile cycle ride on the B-Line, and I'm just as proud of completing a crossfit workout.

You know what is also fun? One could turn the speakers up full blast while playing Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation after a workout. Sliding out of clothes and letting water from the shower rain down on their tired muscles. If one close their eyes, lose themselves in the music, it feels like a dramatic moment in a movie. Maybe someone important died. Or you, I mean they, just kicked ass in a really dirty fight. Eyes On Fire makes for some theatrical music. The mind tends to wander.

Hypothetically, of course.

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