You remember Bodhi don't you?
He's made a few guest appearances on this blog, showing up in pictures from hiking fossil springs, and mentioned while talking about camelback or south mountain. Up until a week ago he was my mom's dog that she rented out to me.
A week ago my mom who has been planning a move to Cali for the last few months, calls me up at 2am.
"help, I just realized I don't have anywhere for Bodhi to go. Can you take him?"
So now the Boy and I have a dog.
To be precise, we have an Australian Shepherd. In a one bedroom apartment.
Oh yeah, this can't go wrong.
Turns out, we're both bleeding hearts. So the dog stays.
So far... it's working out. We both grew up with dogs, so having one in the apartment feels like home. Bodhi has some identity issues, meaning he thinks he's a lapdog, or sometimes he thinks he's a bunny. Either way, TV watching is 10 times better with a fur blanket in your lap. And while the daytime is soooo freakin hot, I've found that walks after dark are delicious. The two of us traverse the apartment complex while the rest of the world sleeps.
A few weeks ago the 13 year old sister tried to give Bodhi a fur cut. That worked about as well as you'd imagine. So when we inherited him, The Boy insisted that Bodhi get a real fur cut. So off to the trusty Petsmart we go. The groomers quote me 2 hours. 4 hours later they call me to pick him up. Apparently Bodhi did not like getting groomed and tried to eat them. Which made me laugh. The groomers glowered at me like a principal trying to explain to a parent that their kid's practical joke was something to be punished, not laughed at.
Oh yeah, I'll make a great parent.
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