I fell asleep unexpectedly.
And dreamnt harder then I have in a while.
The dream started with us unpacking in a hotel in Mexico. The Boy, Jess, Travis and some other friends who were faceless but clearly friends, all vacationing. There was excitement in the air. Yay vacation, yay beach, yay friends. This was our anthem.
Jess and I ran from the room, to play in the water.
And ran into your friends.
I would say "our friends" or even "my old friends"
But let's be honest, they were always "your" friends even before I left your world.
Jess continued out into the water, squealing and splashing the way she is wont to do.
I was frozen
Your friends turned to face me
And broke into smiles
The dream didn't give me specifics of our conversation.
It just left me with a warm feeling
And a nervous one.
Because without ever speaking your name, I asked
and they acknowledged that you were there too.
The dream fastforwarded, one day later... maybe two?
Everyone else had gone to the beach, I ran back to the hotel to change.
I'm not sure why, I'm sure dream me had some good reason.
As I was changing tops, I realized there was someone in the hotel
Turning around, I saw a male I didn't know. He was drunk and belligerent
Words were exchanged, I realized he's intentions were bad.
I started screaming.
Instantly the boy was there.
Like he always is when a hero is needed.
The Boy and the Stranger circled each other.
Blows were exchanged.
But The Boy couldn't hurt the Stranger too badly, even my dreamself knew that mexico police
didn't discriminate between victim and aggressor when it came to disturbing the peace
and The Boy didn't want anything to do with a mexican jail
So we were at an impass
Suddenly I knew, in the way you know things when you're dreaming,
You knew the stranger, and you could control him.
I looked around, at the crowd that was suddenly surrounding us.
And there you were
"Do something!"
And just like that, the fight was over.
I'm not sure how you stopped it, the dream didn't care
I just remember you walking away with him
All I could see was your back profile, getting smaller and smaller
The next day was a new one, a fresh one
Travis and I started off towards the beach in excitement
I knew there was no way I wouldn't run into you
And now we had something to talk about
other then the past
But we kept walking
"Was the beach this far away yesterday"
And then there was a pounding from the hotel door
The REAL hotel door.
The one in the waking world
The world I reside in
So I returned to it
Never having made it to the beach
Never knowing what you would have said
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