I freely admit to blog stalking. It's a sickness.
My damn curiosity + my fascination with people + my need to read + books being expensive = blog stalking.
It can't be helped.
I love reading blogs. It doesn't matter if I know the authors or not. It doesn't matter if it's well written (though it helps). It doesn't matter if the blog is all pictures.I like pictures. I'll read it. And if I like what I read, I'll revisit that blog as often as it's updated. In fact, I'll get annoyed if it's not updated often enough. And by "enough" I mean two or three times a week.
Which means that you, Miss Taylor AND Miss Lachelle, are in the red for not updating enough.
Andy, you're doing fantastic.
In fact, the whole reason I started a public blog was because I felt guilty about how I was sneaking around the blogs, hiding in the shadows, getting to know all these fabulous people, while they have no idea that I am silently applauding their recent diet efforts or that I too think their hair cut is fabulous ps thanks for posting pictures. I suppose I felt it was only fair to share myself with the blog world as well.
Why the sudden need to confess you ask? Well because I read a blog entry that I not only sparked my interest, but sparked a train of thought of my own. And some of you that read my blog and read hers will see the common themes. So I figured I'd confess now instead of you drawing your own conclusions and think I'm some creepy blog stalker. Which I am. But that's not the point.
So the lovely blog entry I read can be found here - http://emdab.blogspot.com/2009/10/book-people.html . No I don't know her, but I find her to be absolutely delightful. I was overjoyed to read this perticular entry because I too am a Book People. And we Book People love reading about others like us. We love talking to other people like us. We like knowing that we are not alone in this big XBox world we live in.
I'm going to stop here. It's getting late and I realized this entry was a little more then I can chew/write in one sitting. So here's some homework. Read the above blog entry. And tomorrow or possibly the day after (let's be realistic, the day after) I will post my thoughts about the said blog. Sounds good? Good.
Goodnight moon.
So I'm in trouble...eeek :) I will post soon! I love you and have the same addiction of blog stalking. I admit it :) LOVE YOU!!